Students For Salmon Curriculum

NSEA’s Students for Salmon Curriculum has been recently updated to provide a well-rounded, place-based experience that partners with the introduction visit and field trip while continuing to support NGSS. We will be facilitating training workshops to dive into the curriculum deeper so you are confident in facilitating this with your students - stay tuned for more details!

The Curriculum is broken into 6 Learning Cycles, which each are structured to take 1-2 hours of time to complete. Learning Cycles 1-5 are meant to take place after the introduction visit and before the field trip, and Learning Cycle 6 is meant to take place following the field trip.

Important note for teachers! Please administer the Salmon Trivia to your students before beginning the curriculum. You will receive a link specific to your classroom sent 2 weeks before your introduction visit, but reach out for your link if you would like to administer this earlier.